It’s very hard to learn how to use prepositions properly in Italian language. They are so many, they have a lot of complicated rules, furthermore they have many exceptions.
Let’s learn, today, how we can use two of these prepositions in a specific situation: In and A after Andare (To go). We need to use that when we have to answer to the simple question Dove vai?(Where are you going?). Probably some friend saw us with the buggages and want to know where we are going to, in which city, in which country. That’s the thing: the focus is if we are leaving for a city or a country?
If we need to answer to the question Dove vai?we use Vado a..if a name of city is following.
E.g. Dove vai? Vado a Roma, Vado a New York, Vado a Mosca (Moscow), Vado a Tokyo
Vado a… is perfect also when we are going to a small island
E.g. Dove vai? Vado a Capri, Vado a Ischia, Vado a Ibiza
We use Vado in…if a name of a country or a continent is following.
E.g. Dove vai? Vado in Italia, Vado in Francia, Vado in Giappone (Japan), Vado in Marocco
or Vado in Africa, Vado in Asia, Vado in Europa
Vado in… is perfect also when we are going to a big island, a part of a federation, or a region
E.g. Dove vai? Vado in Sicilia, vado in California, vado in Toscana.
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