It’s obvious, to introduce yourself correctly is very important. If you are in a foreign country and you have to do it in a language that’s not yours, it could be hard. It’s important to avoid misunderstanding. In every part of the World it is the first contact we make with people we meet. Every language has its own characteristic to do that, let’s see how to do in Italian conversation.
First of all it is important to distinguish among formal and informal situation. Let’s start by consider the formal ones:
Greetings: Buongiorno (in the morning and early afternoon), Buon pomeriggio (in the afternoon), Buonasera (in the late afternoon and in the evening);
Ask the name of the people you are meeting: Come si chiama? (what’s your name, pay attention, it is formal);
Answer to the same question: Mi chiamo Giuseppe Rossi or Sono Giuseppe Rossi (my name is Giuseppe Rossi);
Add the sentence Piacere di conoscerla or simply Piacere that means Nice to meet you.
Let’s go to an informal situation:
Greetings: Ciao, (in the morning, afternoon, evening, whenever and wherever you are);
Ask the name of the people you are meeting: Come ti chiami? (what’s your name, pay attention, it is informal);
Answer to the same question: Mi chiamo Giuseppe (Rossi) or Sono Giuseppe (Rossi), that means My name is Giuseppe (Rossi) and it is not necessary to add your surname in an informal situation ;
Add the sentence Piacere di conoscerti or simply Piacere that means Nice to meet you.
C’mon, join us in Italy and start meeting Italian people